Advancements and Top of Mind International Conference


Registration for Paper Presenters

For sole and lead authors, it is preferred that an HR personnel or immediate office supervisor serves as additional referrence coordinator for your participation.

In registering participation, please refer to the A.T.O.M.I.C prospectus for the specific details.


Purpose of Presentation (choose one)*
Genre of Manuscript to Submit (choose one for completed study/research paper)*
(Submission guidelines for each genre are different from the other, and shall be emailed to author/s after registration)
Thematic Area of Inquiry (choose the most dominant theme)*
Disclosure Statement and Honor Pledge
(Click applicable statement of expression of intention and objective of manuscript submission)
Office Address*
(For A.T.O.M.I.C., the lead author should be the corresponding author)
List of Author/s
(For more than 1 author. Arrange in descending order of substantive, technical and financial contribution to the paper/manuscript for submission. All registered authors should attend paper presentation.)
Full Name
Designation & Rank
Company/Institution and Office Unit
Email Address
Program Days to Attend Other than Paper Presentation

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