Governometrics is formally announcing the new schedule of the 2nd Advancements and Top of Mind International Conference (A.T.O.M.I.C.) in January 2022.

The 2nd ATOMIC was originally scheduled in October 2021.  However, the past operations year was a tough time for target participants in the knowledge sector.  For educational institutions alone, class calendar had moved several times in AY/SY 2020-2021.  Class opening is also scheduled at a later time this AY/SY 2021-2022.  Clients also reported of experiencing difficulty connecting to online learning platforms came the rainy season.

The reschedule in January 2022 is hoped to address all of these concerns.  More importantly, the new schedule permits for any participant to enjoy a week long activities of the 2nd ATOMIC.

The new Call for Papers will be announced and disseminated on the 4th week of August 2021.  The official program and poster will be out by 25 September 2021.  The first edition of the scientific journal of Governometrics will be published and disseminated latest on 31 October 2021.