There is no stopping Governometrics Management Consultancy Services.  In the span of less than 6 months, it has already pioneered one major field of praxis – Governometrics.  In establishing Governometrics, other fields of praxes have been introduced at foundational levels in CY 2021.

In March 2021, Governometrics launched Mental Health Leadership and Strategic Management in congressional format and was assigned a standard service program code of MHLSM.

Two months after the birth of MHLSM came a new praxis called Content Leadership and Governance, which Governometrics introduced in April 2021 as Strategic Content.

The introduction of Strategic Content simply emphasizes the fearless forecast of Governometrics.  Content is a critical driver of leadership dynamics, organizational change, and social transformation for the 21st century.  It is indeed a challenging area to work on.  Either you have it or not.  Dedicated individuals devote their lifetime to acquiring and developing it.

Content deficiency is bypassed by some individuals using processes that impinge upon the moral fabric of their decisions and actions.  Governometrics allows end users to confront content deficiency issues and assists in dealing with them.

Why content is a 21st century capability-competency area shall be explained in full by Governometrics in EXCELLING Philippines from June 2021 to August 2021.

On the hindsight, content has never been given any significant role by intellectuals or practitioners for human, organizational and social development by 2025, 2030, 2040, and 2050.  Thus, Governometrics takes the full swing of including it in its strategic direction for education and offices to drive systems governance and attain social transformation from 2021 to 2050.

Independent of EXCELLING Philippines, Governometrics devised one crucial service program to assist content leaders and professionals as well as aspirants for the post to develop leadership capability for content and accelerate the catch up process for content governance.

Such is the essence of Applied Content Updating and Management for Educators and Networks or ACUMEN Executive Mentorship Program.  It is fondly and for brevity called ACUMEN.

ACUMEN is offered in light of the need for content leadership bearing in mind the proliferation of issues in content development, use, storage and dissemination in buzzer beating time.

Thus, ACUMEN comes to light to create, enhance resources, and strengthen the foundation of content leadership and governance of institutions for the 21st century. 

On 28 May 2021, ACUMEN was opened up and offered on limited scale to end users for the theme of Home School Partnership.

In this debut launch, Governometrics demonstrated its technical prowess not in organizing but in developing relevant institutional services with wide enough scope, intensive content, and time sensitive results driven engagement.

End users witnessed the successful attempt of Governometrics at compressing the 20 years of unprocessed knowledge base for a little less than 7 hours of content based discussions, with additional 5 hours devoted to the completion of activities that participants felt were “seemingly familiar but new” to them.  

ACUMEN is truly scalable and capable of being rescoped, redesigned and customized according to client profile and needs.

Furthermore, Governometrics was able to prepare and consolidate the group output of participants.  The output contains the individual and collective works of the participants.  It contains feedback, score and additional discussions coming from Governometrics.  It was returned to participants a day after in the file format that they could use when presenting ideas with their sponsoring institutions or direct constituencies.

On the other hand, participants successfully produced a set of proposed thrusts for strategic plan for discussion with their work peers.

One great story behind the individual and collective outputs of participants was their display of commitments on different levels.  They were proud of what they envisioned their school would become in conceptualizing their plans.  Moreover, they did not tap other sectors to deal with parents.  They chose themselves to directly deal with them.  They have demonstrated in a very simple way how accountable, responsible, ethical, and real decent they are as persons and professionals.  Any parent who sends their children to obtain services from them would surely be delighted to learn of the right decision he or she has made for their children.

Governometrics is truly proud of what the participants had unleashed during and after the duration of the program.  The framework of Humanity has likewise unleashed its potency in directing individuals to possibilities and solutions that matter.

COVID-19 concerns also struck the home of Governometrics host and speakers.  Instead of being seen as deterrent to the launch event, it paved way for Governometrics to integrate AI technology to briefly host the opening event.  Host AI was introduced in the program.  Governometrics was able to showcase its strategic, technological and content readiness to create major turnaround in a situation of what others would call distress right before the eyes of the participants.

Governometrics shall offer ACUMEN Home School Partnership (together with EXCELLING PHILIPPINES School Community Development) in asynchronous program format in the third quarter of CY 2021.

Similar to EXCELLING Philippines, ACUMEN forms part of the service program employing the set of solutions for Mind Governance or MINDGOV™.


To learn more about Governometrics line up of consulting events for June 2021 and for the second half of CY 2021, please request Governometrics Business Prospectus via the link below: