Governometrics Management Consultancy Services (Governometrics) made another marketing and service program milestones in launching EXCELLING Philippines.

On 14 May 2021, around (5) five schools sent delegates to the well received one (1) day All Educators Conference for School Community Development.  Situated in Luzon and Visayas regions, these schools automatically made history by being the pilot institutional/corporate sponsors of the service program.  Four of these are faith based schools offering liberal education and one is a state owned college.  Two of them are offering basic education services while three others offer both the basic and higher education services.

In the order of their completion of registration and participation requirement, these schools are as follows:

  • National Christian Life College (NCLC)
  • St. Anthony Academy (SAA)
  • Colegio de San Antonio de Padua (CSAP)
  • St. Francis Academy (SFA)
  • Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC).

These schools are part of larger school system network.  SAA, CSAP and SFA are found in the network schools of La Salle Supervised Schools Offices (LASSO).  NCLC is private school system providing found in different parts of the Philippines and known formerly as Maranatha Christian Academy.  CGMSC as earlier stated belongs to the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) chain owned and managed by the state.

All of the sponsoring institutions are known to offer excellent educational services. They maintain or tap independent external accreditors to ensure the quality of their services. Their decision to turn to Governometrics for SCD was meant further to support the professional development of their managers, faculty and administrative personnel as well as to expand institutional capacity for FY 2021-2022 and beyond.

Governometrics was also able to forge out history by not merely launching EXCELLING Phils. but in having served participants who were all institutionally supported.  This was in stark contrast to previous experiences of Governometrics wherein 50% to 100% of its service program participants had to personally shell out resources for their professional development.  At least in this sense, the campaign of Governometrics to have employees institutionally supported for their professional development gained notice.

Thus, all of the sponsoring institutions automatically qualifies for much deserved People Builder Awards, which will have its debut launch in December 2021.

Half of these sponsoring institutions are sending in delegates for Home-School Partnership Executive Mentorship under the ACUMEN Program on 28 May 2021.

Governometrics is more than honored to have served the needs of the participants as well as their institutions and offices thru SCD.

Incidentially, Governometrics extends its gratitude as well to a number of local office units of the Department of Education (DepED) for circulating our invites to public school educators.   Same goes to all other educators and school leaders who referred SCD and HSP to their offices.  Governometrics will take time to honor them as well in December 2021.

(See related article: