Governometrics Management Consultancy Services (Governometrics hereafter) took action to improve website features after obtaining preliminary results of the website test run for basic client transactions in May 2021.

The registration fields for Humanity Complimentary Service Program have recently been streamlined to make the registration process friendlier to end users.

In requesting the most updated version of Governometrics Business Prospectus for corporate solutions, prospective and existing institutional clients may opt to transact with Governometrics in its website 24/7.

“Opt” underscores the fact that existing platforms used by clients are email and facebook.  The disadvantage of using these two platforms is that clients are compelled to use two different sets of platforms for receiving information and taking action.  Clients have to switch from another platform (e.g. email or facebook) in order to retrieve information on disseminated calls regarding the availability of the material.  Website is hoped to bridge the gap by neatly organizing in one platform all the basic information and choices of action that a client needs to know and to take, respectively.

By 21 June 2021, the website is being readied for accepting client inquiries and feedback, scheduling requested presentations, and events registration.  Around then, generation of billing information will be automated thru the website.  However, manual transmit of billing statement is inevitable to give way to validation procedures.

For individual clients, plans and targets will be announced by 15 June 2021.

All basic transactions features of the website – its functionality, accessibility, and operability are hoped to come together by July 2021.  Governometrics is taking one great stride in enhancing access, ease of use and experience of its clients, end users, and the general public.