Governometrics Management Consultancy Services is proud to announce the launch of its service program, Universatility, in October 2021.  The term “Universatility” is used to refer to the program as universal, meaning “free access”, and aimed at developing versatility of participants in any aspect of life.  As Governometrics is a management consulting business and not an educational or a training institution, Universatility goes beyond the lens of life long learning and dissects issues of empowerment and the simple ways of attaining the latter.

Formally, the Universatility Program of Governometrics for Humanity is the 3rd Generation FREE service program of Governometrics that has evolved from the original program, LET’S TALK EMPOWERMENT (LTE), introduced in Oct. 2020, and later reformatted to deepen the perspective building discussions in 2nd generation program format of HUMANITY COMPLIMENTARY SERVICES in January 2021.

In its present format, Universatility aims to maximize the participation and perspective building experience of the participants.  Test runs were undertaken to determine the desired program structure, pace and medium to deliver content in August 2021 to early October 2021.  The program content of Universatility Program has been restructured for much easier reflexive approach and grasp of the praxis without losing sight of the science and history behind the chosen theme of discussion.  Registration and viewing of the materials are FREE of charge for any interested participant.

The difference between Universatility and its predecessor service program is on the program structure.  Capability clusters of each program under Universatility have been identified and ordered to provide stronger and integrated structure, content, pacing and gradation.  Thus, materials can supplement formal instructions and measure learning and capability transformation.  Participants are issued Certificate of Attendance for the new program offerings or a memorabilia for some viewed special programs.     

Governometrics has organized the service program for the needs of the employers and educational institutions as well.  They may require participants of Universatility to show proof of competence in the completed programs with a combined credit hours of 9 to 12 hours, at the very least.  Participants may be issued certification on performance evaluation for employment or study purposes for a fee. 

Performance evaluation is defined at the level of organizational decision making standards using the targeted but comprehensive measures of Governometrics.  The latter has been developed from a policy and strategy standpoint that integrates critical indices of Humanity for measuring competence.  It, thus, automatically links to organizational and executive agenda as the performance clusters go beyond examining personal learning.  More on this feature in the future release of new service programs of Governometrics!       

Information on monthly line up of Universatility service programs is publicly announced in We.Lead.2050 electronic newsletter, Mind Governance facebook site, and in special program announcements of Governometrics.

Parties interested to tie up with Governometrics for this program may email,, and use the subject: Universatility.