After introducing EXCELLING PHILIPPINES and ACUMEN in May 2021, Governometrics is poised to offer SOS Intervention and VIRGO as its newest service programs in June 2021.

SOS Intervention is the youngest formulated solutions set under ACUMEN Executive Mentorship Program of Governometrics.  It stands for School and Office Safety Intervention which basically builds on content leadership and governance in different areas of safety concerns which could no longer be accommodated in other service programs such as Mental Health Leadership and Strategic Management and Strategic HR Consulting by EXCELLING PHILIPPINES.  For CY 2021, at least 25 topics have been lined up for discussion which tackles head on pandemic and post pandemic scenarios of safety issues.  SOS Intervention will be welcomed by service programs on Depression and Suicide in June 2021.

Governometrics highlights the fundamental concern in presenting safety issues to the public thru SOS Intervention.  In the last 12 months, it has observed that some safety issues were presented and tackled as if they all belonged to one spectrum.  Thus, people picked up tips, interventions, and even indications of issues that belongs to another spectrum, category, type or what have you.  Content and procedure wise, type II error is at work: people are accepting what should have been rejected all along. SOS Intervention exists to address these content, technical and procedural concerns.

In Governometrics, such arbitrariness and intellectual shake up are averted because it has the framework of Humanity™ to stand upon as its business ideology and moral compass.  The fruits of Humanity™ are very well inscribed in the experiences of the end users of the pilot service programs of Governometrics.

VIRGO or Virtue Governance represents the third area of praxes under Governometrics to be formally introduced in June 2021.  This service program discusses learning, performance management, service delivery, organizational change dynamics, and systems interactivity using the lens of virtue, morality, ethics, and the law.  It will give light to issues of appropriate performance measure to adopt, best alternative for traditional grading system in pandemic and post pandemic contexts, and other amorphous and emergent institutional issues, especially with counterintuitive solutions, that impact directly social and economic development objectives of the country.

Another set of service programs will be introduced in July 2021.

The existing service programs of Governometrics are simply the tip of the iceberg.  A lot more shall come soon after.

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